Khi làm bài IELTS Speaking part 2, bạn sẽ được giám khảo cung cấp cho một chủ đề và một số gợi ý, có 1 phút chuẩn bị sau đó sẽ trình bày về chủ đề này trong 2 phút. Để giúp bạn chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho phần 2 trong kỳ thi IELTS phần Speaking, Bác Sĩ IELTS đã tổng hợp các chủ đề IELTS Speaking part 2 thường gặp nhất trong bài viết dưới đây.
Describe a person (tả, kể về người)

- Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about
- Who he/she is
- When you knew him/her
- Why do you want to know more about him/her
- Explain how you feel about him/her
2. Describe a person you admire
- Who he/she is
- How long you have known him/ her
- What qualities he/she has
- Explain why you admire him/ her so much
3. Describe a famous person you would like to meet
- Who is he/she
- Why he/she is famous
- Why do you want to meet him/her
- Explain what would you do if you meet him/her
4. Describe a person you follow on social media
- Who this person is
- How do you know this person
- What this person posts on social media
- Explain why you follow this person
5. Describe a person who contributes to the society
- Who this person is
- How do you know the person
- How this person helps others
- How do you feel about this person
- What this person does
6. Describe a businessman you admire
- Who this person is
- How do you know this person
- What kinds of business does this person do
- And explain why you admire this person
7. Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way
- Who this person is
- What the problem was
- How he/she solved it
- Explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way
8. Describe an intelligent person you know
- Who this person is
- How do you know this person
- What this person knows about
- Why do you think this person is intelligent
- What you learned from them
9. Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school
- Who he/she is
- How did you know him/her
- Why he/she impressed you most
- How do you feel about him/her
10. Describe a person whose appearance you like
- Who this person is
- What their relationship is to you
- What they look like
- What it is about their appearance you like
Có thể bạn quan tâm
Talk About Your Neighbours IELTS Speaking part 1 – câu hỏi và trả lời
Loại bỏ nỗi sợ và thành thạo Talk about the Internet trong hôm nay
Describe a thing with or without content (tả, kể về một vật hoặc một bài học, chương trình, câu chuyện,…)

- Describe a piece of clothes that you received as a gift
- When you received the clothes
- What the piece of clothes was like
- Who gave it to you explain
- How you feel about it
2. Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired
- What it is
- How it was broken
- How it was repaired
- How did you feel about it
3. Describe something you can’t live without (not a computer or phone)
- What it is
- How you use it
- How often do you use it
- How it helps you and why you can’t live without it
4. Describe a toy that you liked when you were a child
- What the toy was
- Who gave it to you
- How you used this toy
- How did you feel when you got this toy
5. Describe a movie that you like
- When you watched it
- Where you watched it
- What it was about
- Explain why you like it
6. Describe an ambition you haven’t achieved
- What it is
- Why you haven’t achieved what you did
- How you feel about it
7. Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare
- What it was
- Who you gave it to
- How did you prepare it
- Explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it
8. Describe something you borrowed from others
- What it was
- When you borrowed it
- Who lent you that item
- Explain why you borrowed it
9. Describe a skill that you learned from older people
- What skill it was
- Who you learned it from
- How did you do it how you feel about it
10. Describe a story someone told you and you remember
- What this story is about
- Who told you this story
- When did you hear it
- Why do you remember it
Xem thêm:
Describe a place (tả, kể về một nơi chốn)

- Describe a new place that you visited
- What place it was
- Why did you go there
- What you did there
- How you feel about it
- Describe an interesting city
- What city it is
- How do you know it
- What it is famous for
- Why do you think it is beautiful
- Describe a place in the village you visited
- What place it is
- When did you go there
- What did you do there
- How do you feel about it
- Describe a house or apartment you’d like to live in
- What kind of accommodation it will be
- Where it will be if it will be big or small
- What it will look like
- Describe a café you like to visit
- Where is it?
- What kinds of food and drinks does it serve?
- What do you do there?
- Explain why you like to go there?
- Describe a park/garden you like visiting
- Where the park is
- When you visited it
- What the park is like
- Explain why you like visiting it
- Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare
- What it was
- Who you gave it to
- How did you prepare it
- Explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it
- Describe a place that can be good to relax (not your home)
- Where it is
- How does it look like
- What people do there
- Explain why you often go there
- Describe a historical building in your country/ hometown
- Where it is
- What it is used for
- What it looks like
- Explain why it is important to your hometown/country
- Describe a place you visited on vacation
- Where it is
- When you went there
- What you did there
- Explain why did you go there
Describe an event (tả, kể về một sự kiện)

- Describe a time when you prepared for a happy event successfully
- What the event was
- When and where it was
- How you prepared
- Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity
- When it was
- Why it prevented your activity
- What you did
- How you feel about it
- Describe a recent happy event
- What the event is
- What it is about
- Why did you find it happy
- How you feel about that event
- Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like
- When and where it happened
- Who he/she was
- Why you didn’t like this person
- Explain why you were friendly to him/her on that occasion
- Describe an interesting discussion you had with your friend
- What it was about
- What opinions you and your friend had
- Why it was interesting
- How did you feel about it
- Describe a time when you first met someone
- Where you met that person
- When you met that person
- What you talked about
- How you feel about it
- Describe a time you looked at the sky
- Where it is
- Who you would like to see it with
- What you would like to see
- Why you would like to see it
- Describe a time you wouldn’t use the mobile phone
- When it was
- Where it was
- Why you could not use your mobile phone
- How you feel about it
- Describe a time when someone apologised to you
- When it was
- Who this person is
- Why did he or she apologise to you
- Explain how you felt about it
- Describe a time you did not tell your friend the truth
- What this story is about
- Who told you this story
- When did you hear it
- Why do you remember it
Xem ngay bài viết nổi bật:
V. Một số chủ đề khác
- Describe a leisure activity you do with your family
- What it is
- When you do it
- Where you do it
- Explain how you feel about it
- Describe a tradition in your country
- What it is
- Who takes part in it
- What activities there are
- And explain how you feel about it
- Describe a thing you did to learn a language
- What language did you learn
- What you did
- How did it help you
- How did you feel about it
- Describe a product or service that you got for free
- What it was
- How did you get it
- How did you feel about it
- Describe an article that you read from a magazine or from the Internet
- When you read it
- Where you read it
- What it is about
- And if you agree with the opinions in the article
- Describe your favourite weather
- What kind of weather it is
- What you usually do during this weather
- How this weather affects your mood
- Explain why you like this type of weather
- Describe an ideal job you’d like to do in the future
- What it is
- How you can get this job
- What kinds of work you would do for the job
- And explain why you want to have it
- Describe an advertisement that you saw
- Where you saw it
- What kind of advertisement it was
- What product/service was advertised
- And say how you felt when you saw it
- Describe a prize that you want to win
- What the prize is
- What you need to do to get it
- How you know about it
- Why do you want it
- Describe a difficult decision that you once made
- What the decision was
- When you made your decision
- How long did it take to make the decision
- And explain why it was difficult to make
Một số mẹo để hoàn thành tốt bài IELTS Speaking Part 2

Trong IELTS Speaking part 2, bạn sẽ phải chuẩn bị trong 1 phút và tự “thuyết trình” trong 2 phút với chủ đề do giám khảo đưa ra, 2 phút là rất ngắn, nhưng ngay cả với người bản xứ thì chỉ cần “không nghĩ ra được gì để nói” thì quãng thời gian này sẽ như kéo dài vô tận vậy! Cho nên bạn lưu ý chuẩn bị kỹ ý tưởng cho những chủ đề phổ biến nhé!
Khi chấm điểm IELTS Speaking part 2, giám khảo sẽ dựa vào các tiêu chí sau:
- Fluency and Coherence – độ trôi chảy và mạch lạc
- Lexical Resource – vốn từ vựng
- Grammar Range and Accuracy – độ chính xác và sự đa dạng trong ngữ pháp
- Pronunciation – phát âm
Để bạn có thể làm tốt phần IELTS Speaking part 2, Bác Sĩ IELTS gửi đến bạn một số mẹo nhỏ sau:
- Bạn có 1 phút để chuẩn bị, cho nên hãy ghi chú lại thật nhanh những gì bạn muốn nói, vẽ sơ đồ trí tuệ hoặc bất cứ cách gì để bạn có thể dựa vào ghi chú mà trình bày, tránh trường hợp hoảng loạn vì mất mạch suy nghĩ.
- Bắt đầu bài nói một cách tự nhiên và ngắn gọn, tránh “mở bài gián tiếp” gây mất thời gian. Bạn có thể nói như: “I’d like to talk about…” hoặc “Well, there are many _________ I could talk about, but I suppose the __________ I’ve experienced/had is/was….”
- Đừng lạm dụng từ nối hoặc là idioms – thành ngữ, chúng sẽ khiến câu nói của bạn mất tự nhiên. Sử dụng chúng một cách vừa phải sẽ “boost” đáng kể điểm của bạn, và đừng quên vận dụng ngữ điệu khi nói (nhấn nhá, lên xuống) nhé, bởi không ai thích nói chuyện với một cái máy đâu!
- Hãy nhớ dùng cấu trúc ngữ pháp phức tạp một chút, có sự kết hợp của nhiều thì.
- Đừng nói nhanh quá vì bạn sẽ dễ “líu lưỡi” và nói sai từ hoặc ngữ pháp, cũng đừng nói chậm quá sẽ làm mất thời gian. Hãy hít thở và sử dụng nhịp điệu vừa phải.
- Thay vì nói “I don’t understand.” khi không hiểu chủ đề từ giám khảo, bạn có thể hỏi như sau: “By…., do you mean…..?” / “If I understand correctly, it means that….” / “So, in other words, I should….” / “So, is it ok if I talk about…?” Chú ý hỏi TRƯỚC khi giám khảo ghi thời gian bắt đầu chuẩn bị 1 phút. Nếu không, phần hỏi này của bạn sẽ được tính vào thời gian chuẩn bị 1 phút.
Chuẩn bị cho bài thi nói IELTS Speaking part 2
- Đọc và chuẩn bị trước các chủ đề, càng nhiều càng tốt, không cần phải sử dụng tất cả các từ hay ngữ pháp quá mức “cao siêu” nhưng đảm bảo phải phù hợp với năng lực và band điểm bạn mong muốn.
- Học thuộc một số idioms nhất định và sử dụng chúng một cách tự nhiên.
- Tập nói trong 2 phút, bấm giờ và ghi âm sau đó nghe lại.
- Nếu được, hãy tìm cho mình một người hướng dẫn hoặc một người bạn học cùng.
- Tham khảo những video về IELTS Speaking trên Internet.
Qua bài viết tổng hợp các chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 2 thường gặp nhất , chúng tôi hy vọng đã có thể giúp bạn có sự chuẩn bị về ý tưởng tốt nhất cho bài thi nói của mình. Các bạn cũng có thể tham khảo thêm tại thư viện IELTS Speaking nhé! Chúc các bạn học thật tốt và hẹn các bạn ở những bài viết tiếp theo!
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